Monday, February 4, 2008

What a day!

Okay, for anyone who has known me for a while, they would know that I seem to be like the mishap magnet...drama just finds me somehow. So I couldn't make this up if I tried....
today at work there was a medical emergency and because I heard the shout out for someone to call 911, I jumped up into action to try to be helpful. So my boss calls 911, and I ran down to the receptionist desk to alert them of what was going on and volunteered to stick around to show the medics where to go. So everyone was being very proactive to get the medics there quicker so we sent people to the corner street to direct them in and people outside the building and there was a large delivery truck parked out front because he was there to reload the snack machines. So someone went to grab him to move his truck so the ambulance could pull right up front and he did, he backed it into the handicap spots and went back to finish his work upstairs. Well, just as we saw the ambulance coming down the street, the guys break in the truck gives way and the truck goes rolling out into the middle of the street and the lady waiting to waive in the ambulance jumps in front to try to stop it but thankfully realized it was a huge truck and jumped out of the way. The truck did stop but right in the middle of the road so the ambulance couldn't come through. So another lady goes running off to find him to come move his truck again and all the while I decided to open the elevator and hold it so it would be there when the medics come in. So I extend my arm out to hold the elevator and wasn't looking, rather looking outside to see what was going on with the truck and the ambulance and before I know arm is closed up in the elevator door!!! It shut completely on my arm and no chance it was going to stop so I start yelling for help and I'm laughing hysterically at this point and the receptionist and a co-worker come and pry the door open to get me out. Ha! I always take the stairs in that building so little did I know the door doesn't really stop for anyone. ha! So my arm is still hurting at this very moment, I'm sure I'll have a bruise at least. But thankfully the guy in my office was fine and we didn't have anyone get hit by a truck and my arm wasn't broken and my hand wasn't ripped off. That doesn't make it any less exciting of a day though I'll tell you that! Only I could manage to get my arm shut in an elevator I know! HA!


Deike said...

Oh Man! So I check out your blog and bang you have a great story right off. Cool stuff, not an everyday event for sure. Try to have a more mellow week here on out.

Unknown said...

Just glad you and your arm are ok and no one got hurt. Like you said, you don't make these things up.

Unknown said...

Oh gosh, that sounds like something that could happen to me too!
Hopefully you won't suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder :-)

Liz said...

LOL! I don't mean to laugh but it sounds like something from a movie!
Aren't you entitled for workman's comp?? heee-heee-heee!