Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Day at the beach

Sean went out of town, back to VA to work for the weekend so we decided to take a beach day. Mom went with us to hang out and I had actually talked to an old friend from high school who lives close by and so he agreed to meet up with us too. So we got to the beach and no sooner than we got all our stuff (and you know what kind of stuff is required with kids for a day at the beach) out and we looked to the left at this HUGE black cloud. I called Sean to tell him that he probably was only going to miss the rain so he could feel better about being in the cold back in VA. So then I called Adrian to tell him where we were and only got his voicemail so I suspected he probably looked out and saw the same black cloud and wrote it off for the day. So then it came a sprinkle and I told the boys not to worry because it's just a sprinkle....well that sprinkle suddenly became a complete downpour with no warning at all. So we were packing everything and running as fast as we could back to the car, which of course was 2 blocks away in the free parking lot. So Matthew and I were laughing and running and Hunter, who hates to be wet just did not see the humor in any of this. So we ended up going to McDonalds to grab lunch and wait it out. Of course we couldn't go to one right there at the beach, no, we had to go to the one about 10 miles away because it had a playground...indoor playground that is. So it worked out because we got to eat lunch and the kids got to play while we waited and after about 30 minutes the rain was gone and we were back to some sunshine! So at that point Adrian had called and was on his way to meet up with us. So this time, I decided to park in the meter parking so we would be close in case any more rain came. Well, no rain anywhere and of coure I forgot all about the meter and yes...the big $25 ticket when we got back. Oh well, that's a small price to pay to ensure no rain becuase I was parked too close this time. ha! We ended up having a lot of fun. But at the end of the day Hunter cut his foot on a shell so we had to cruise on back home...hey, isn't that part of a song? ha! Nothing was helping the pain he was in until the magic words that apparently heal anything, putt-putt. ha! So we went to play putt-putt and it was beautiful when we went in to pay and get our clubs and when we walked out....pouring! Looks like Hunter got his foot injury just in time to save us from the rain on the beach again...but it wasn't letting up for the golf game at all. So after about 15 minutes of waiting...we decided to go ahead and play in the rain...so we got wet anyway. Oh well, you can't come to the beach and not get wet anyway right?

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