Thursday, March 20, 2008

MGM with Sis and the gang...

My Sis and I decided to take a day together with just the two of us and the kids. We started off at Magic Kingdom and of course it was way too crowded so we didn't even park the car, we just headed on over to MGM. As soon as we got there we saw High School Musical so that made Kenzie happy...which was good because she was a bit sad for not getting to go to Magic Kingdom so it worked out great. We didn't take many pictures because we were more focused on riding all the rides we could in the shortest amount of time, we pretty much covered all of them too. We had only planned to be there for a few hours and turned out we nearly closed the park down...we have a bad habit of that you know? We had a great time and promised to take all the kids back again soon but next time to Magic Kingdom since we haven't been to that park in a while now.

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