Thursday, March 20, 2008

Into March...

So this blog brings me into March, so at least I'm caught up to the right month now at the very least. As if we never get to go...we had another day at Disney. This time Sean and I set out early and hit Animal Kingdom and then went to the Rainforest Cafe for lunch, then headed over to Epcot to ride a couple of rides and wait on Sis, Rick and the kids to come meet up with us. Our family also had a visitor...Flat Stanley (a paper boy from a story, if you haven't read it you should) that was sent to us by our dear friend Raymond back in VA. It was so funny when we took him out to take a picture how many people would shout "hey, there's Flat Stanley", really made for some good conversations with people and we got to hear stories of where they took him when they had the chance. It was so much fun, I'm glad Raymond thought of us!
Once Sis and Rick called we headed over to MGM to meet with them and turned out to be ESPN Weekend at that park. We thought it would be a mess, and it was sort of....but on an event weekend like that if you're there for the rides, then not a problem. All the people were there to see the sports stars so the lines had very little wait times so it worked out great for us. The guys did take the kids to go to the sports area to scope out famous athletes, we saw: Roy Oswalt, Lance Berkman (AKA per my Sis and me: HOT), Brian McCann, Jeff Francoeur, Mark Teireira, and Tim Hudson...those were just the baseball players. We also saw some guys from the NFL and NBA...but the only Redskins player we saw was Darryl Green and for my favorite O's...Cal was there but I didn't see him...bummer! After that, Hunter stepped it up and actually rode the "Tower of Terror". I couldn't believe it but he was so excited to go....Matthew and Kenzie won't even ride that ride. Turns out he didn't like it but he did ride so I was very proud of him. Then, I guess being peer pressured by Hunter's bravery, Kenzie decided to ride the "Rock 'n Roller Coaster". The line was about a 50 minute wait but we went ahead and did it anyway because we finally got her talked into it. So while we were waiting of course she had to go to the I took her and we fought our way out and back into the line (Sis and Matt stayed in line). Then not 2 minutes after I got guessed it...Matthew had to go. Didn't have to go when I took Kenzie less than 5 minutes ago but now had to go so bad he couldn't hold it...UGH! So I tried to make him hold it but then felt way too guilty so I fought our way back out of line....the looks we got....anyway on our way back into the line which of course had gotten longer a guy there said "okay, now I have to go can you take me". Ha! We just laughed and I replied "well, I probably could, I've gotten really good at it". Everyone seemed to be okay with us fighting our way back into the line and Kenzie ended up loving the ride so much they all got back in line and did it again...but this time we used Fast Pass. So that was our Disney Adventure for this day.

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