Thursday, March 20, 2008

Dolly came to visit again...

Okay, it was fun the first couple of times but now I'm running out of creative writing ideas for this Dolphin. Hunter always has the same excitement when he brings Dolly home from school as he did the very first day, but to me it just means more work. I guess if it makes him happy I shouldn't be so selfish to think of the extra work created for me, but I can tell from the stories in Dolly's book I'm not alone. The first several pages that we read were great stories with lots of pictures, now it's like barely half a page and the kids are drawing pictures at this point too. ha! We still take pictures, Hunter won't let that part slide...especially since I typically have the camera in his face all the time anyway. We did take Dolly out to watch the Great Lunar Eclipse which was really pretty exciting since it won't happen again for another 20 years from what Matthew tells me. We watched and waited for a full hour and can you believe just when the entire moon was about to be covered by the sun.....all these clouds rolled in and blocked our view. We were really upset and waiting for a few minutes to see if it would clear out enough for us to catch a glimpse of the full eclipse and no such luck. We even got in the car and drove around for a bit to try to find a better spot....oh well, maybe in the next 20 year eclipse the clouds will cooperate. ha!

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