Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Valentine's Day

My day started in an exhausted state already because I had stayed up most of the night preparing for Matthew's class party, yes....the procrastinator strikes again. So I finished everything by 2AM just in time to get 4 hours sleep and get up to get ready to go to the party at the school. It was so worth the lack of sleep, we had a really great time. We had 3 crafts, decorated rice crispy treats cut into hearts and then played some really cool games. I had a jar of candy and they kids had to guess how many and though I'm sure they thought Matthew knew the answer already, he actually won it fair and square. I must admit, he's a lot like me in that we know our chocolates! ha! After school, Grammy and PopPop came by to drop off some Valentine treats for the kids which they loved, mom gave them money which is always good, we bought them a new Shining Star each, and my sister got them candy. Of course Aunt Sholl sent cards as well, I have no idea how she manages to get these kids a card, ON TIME, for every single holiday...it's amazing!

All of our Valentine's have been spent in Washington, DC at Disney on Ice since Matthew was born. So since we didn't have Disney on Ice here in FL we decided to do Disney in real life....but since all the parks closed early except Epcot, that's where we ended up. We had a really fun time, but boy was it crowded....we didn't expect that on Valentine's Day! So we rode a couple of rides, had hot dogs for our romantic family dinner, actually the kids had that, Sean and I just had their chips and then headed home. We had a good time, but we really did miss our Disney on Ice show....

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