Thursday, March 20, 2008

Visitors from KS...

My Aunt Alana and Uncle Mike came for a visit 2/16-2/23 and though they were here a full week it certainly wasn't long enough. We had so much fun with them, and the kids really hated to see them leave as well. The first day we just played horse shoes, cooked out, and you can tell they were coming straigt from a KS ice storms because they even jumped in the pool. Now that we've been in FL a while, even mid-70s feels cold to us...yes, we became FL wimps! They had never been to Disney before so of course we had to give them the grand Epcot tour, and you can't forget the margaritas in Mexico! We went to Cocoa Beach for a day and that was their first time to see the ocean as well. The kids enjoyed having Mike play the guitar and we all loved singing their favorite "The Vegetable Song". They're hopefully going to come back again next year, but if we could get them here sooner that would be even better. Hopefully too they'll go back and share stories of how much fun they had so the rest of the family from KS will come visit sometime too.

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