Thursday, November 8, 2007

Carol's Retirement

Carol, Sean's mom for those of you who don't know...has worked for SAIC for 28 years now and she finally decided to retire. I can't tell you how many times I must have told her how jealous I was...oh if I could only win the lottery I'd join her. ha! I'm sure she'll be just as busy in retirement as she was working because she's been taking courses to become a certified property management specialist and plans to open her own business doing that. She did all that kind of work for SAIC when she was in the VA office so I know she'll be great at it. The smart thing though, she decided to take off from now until the end of the holidays...good for her! We wish her the very best for a happy and relaxing retirement! Here are a couple of pictures, one of her with Sean and Rick and the other of her with her husband Patrick.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

How fantastic for Carol.. Please give her big hugs from us and let her know I still remember numerous times she watched me when I was young and how the boys were annoyed by the little girl in their business. LOL.