Monday, November 5, 2007

Elmo came to town

I woke up one morning and was surfing the Internet and ran across the Sesame Street Live and saw they were in I asked Hunter if he wanted to go and he very excitedly said yes. So we had to hurry since the show stared in about an hour and we hadn't even gotten tickets. So I called Sis to see if she and Keegan wanted to go and they did so off we went....well, we did have to wait about 10 minutes on her apparently she has a lot to learn about being sporadic. But of course when we got there the 'cheap seats' were all gone and all that was left was the very front and center. At that point we were committed because the car had already been parked and the kids were both very turned out great! We would have never paid that amount for the tickets unless we were forced into it like that and I'm glad we were, we literally had the best seats in the house so it was well worth it. The boys both danced around, ate cotton candy and had a great time dancing and getting to actually touch the characters as they came off stage. At the end of the show there were streamers flying everywhere and Hunter and Keegan raced around like mad men to pick them all up to take home. It was a very good show but hasn't changed a bit since we took the older kids about 6 years ago.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Ooohh.. I miss our trips to the Warner Theatre and Verizon.. We have seen some really great shows and I bet you had a great time at Sesame Street. Front row.. Must have been a blast! I am sure Hunter and Keegan loved it.