Monday, November 5, 2007

I'm back!

Okay, so I guess you've noticed that there hasn't been a post since right before Labor Day. Well, I'm going to start back from that point and move forward with many posts to update you on what we've been doing in that time span. It all started when we went to the Marriott for Labor Day weekend to visit with our friends (John, Liz, Lucas and Noah) that were here from VA and as we were at Downtown Disney having fun...Matthew got sick...very, very sick! We took him to the Urgent Care near Disney where he had a fever of 104! They diagnosed him with just a virus and didn't give him anything other than Tylenol and sent him home...this was on Saturday. So we dropped him at home with mom and went on back to the Marriott to hang out. Later that night Hunter ended up getting sick...very, very sick. I guess I should back up a little bit and tell you this is the very Marriott where all the kids were sick on the 4th of July with Strep Throat. So anyway, we took Hunter home at 2:30am throwing up and high fever, but we figured he probably just had the same virus so we didn't even take him to the doctor. Well on Monday, Matthew wasn't any better, as a matter of fact he was we took him back to Urgent Care. They discovered then that he had strep throat and though Hunter was acting 100% better, we took him in too so that they could test him and of course it came back positive. So they both had strep throat but at least they were on antibiotics. Some a few days later....still not better and Hunter had gotten worse again. But at this point the holiday and weekend were finally over so we could take them to see their own doctor...she's the best by the way! At that point each of them were put on yet another antibiotic. Matthew a couple of days later still wasn't any better so I took him back again to his doctor where he was diagnosed with Kawasaki's Disease and sent to Arnold Palmer Hospital and as we were walking out her words to him were "eat lots of ice cream at the hospital to get better." He heard those words and lived by them, the only directions I've ever seen him follow to an exact point! Ha! So anyway, after many doctors, prescriptions, specialists, and now bills....they are all better, back in school and we've all recovered and regrouped and that's where this blog comes back into action. (I'm knocking on wood the entire time I typed that last sentence because I don't want to blow it that we've managed to stay away from doctors almost a full 3 weeks now.) So anyway....I'm going to start from around Labor Day on my posts and just post and post and post until I'm up to date.
Until my next post (in about 30 seconds)....

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