Thursday, November 8, 2007

Happy birthday to Nana

We had a full day of celebration for my mom's birthday. It started off with lunch with the girls (Mom, Uli, Mel, Carol, Janet, Sis, Linda and me) at Red Lobster. I wasn't so sure Sis was going to make it since she had a Halloween Party the night before, hence why we had to schedule lunch at 2PM. She made it though to our surprise, I'm not going to say she was feeling great, but she made it that's all that counts. We had a great lunch and then went home where the kids had 2 cakes waiting to celebrate. Matthew and Hunter had gone that morning to pick out a gift for mom, and to my surprise they wanted to get her a bike of all things. I would have never thought of it but sounded like a great idea since the weather here is so nice and there's bike paths all through our neighborhood. But they got her the beach cruiser kind with the cushy seat and big handlebars. So they were so excited to surprise her and as soon as we came in Kenzie starts giving hints as to what the gift is and then Keegan walks up and says "Nana, can I see your new bike now?" What a bummer! I couldn't believe he told the surprise and boy was Hunter mad about at that point we went ahead and let her open her gifts and then we ate cake. I think she had a very good birthday, even if the surprise was a little bit blown...she still didn't know what kind or what color right? Ha!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hugs and kisses to your mom. Let her know we miss her too.