Monday, November 5, 2007

Hunter at school

Hunter got to be the candle lighter at school for chapel. I was so worried that he wouldn't do it, but he walked down the isle carrying it so proud, stood in front while everyone sang, lit the candle and then when they gave him the sign to go to his seat....he burst into tears and came running to me. You could see he was a little nervous but he did such a great job! Then when it was time for him to go back up to put the candle out, he went up trying so hard to fight back his tears and then he just started sobbing, but he did go up and do his job tears and all. I think he knew it was almost the end of chapel and he crys every single time they sing the good-bye song. So his teacher has asked that we not attend chapel anymore becuase it makes Hunter too sad when we leave and he has to go back to class. I've been kicked out of a lot of places but was devistated being kicked out of chapel. Ha! Here are some pictures from his big candle lighting day and my last chapel....I hope he adjusts so I can start going back, she thinks maybe by the Thanksgiving show I'll 'be allowed back'. Ha!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Kicked out of Chapel??? Man! Of all places.. Give my Hunter a hug!