Monday, November 5, 2007

Matt's 1st and we hope last hospital stay

So of all day's for Matthew to make his hospital debut it was on Hunter's needless to say we missed his birthday really. Thankfully, Aunt Sissy and Grammy came to visit and stayed with Matthew long enough so we could take dinner to Hunter to celebrate...he's easy, Burger King it was! ha!
So we had gone to the doctor the morning of 9/6 because Matthew was still sick with a very high fever for 6 full days now, not getting better on the antibiotics and was just miserable. So we went in to the doctor and she suspected he had Kawasaki's Disease and sent him straight to the hospital. Not at all what I had expected, I was thinking we'd just get another antibiotic and be on our way. So I was, of course, a little freaked out but called Sean and he met us at home to pack and head out to Arnold Palmer. It was a short drive, only about 20 minutes and we were there. I can honestly say that the staff and the hospital itself was incredible! Not that I ever want to go back, but at least I know we have one of the very best children's hospitals available if we ever need it. So he was admitted and sent to his room where he immediately started asking for ice cream. This place was like a resort to him...other than the fact he had to have tests and iv's. But they brought him a Game Cube to his room, a Playstation, he had room service 24/7, his own TV with remote, the adjustable bed that he played with almost as much as the games, and the best of all....a help yourself fridge and freezer with all the jello, pudding and chocolate ice cream he wanted. I wasn't sure we'd get him to leave that place when they released him...
I was joking and told him that I hoped they didn't charge us per cup of ice cream or we'd have to take on additional jobs to pay that bill...I think he had to have eaten at least 10 cups! But remember...his doctor said "be sure to eat lots of ice cream in the hospital and get better." He takes everything to heart, especially when there's chocolate and/or ice cream involved...he's his mommy's boy for sure. ha! So here are some pictures of us snuggling in his bed that was quite cozy for the 2 of us...poor Sean got stuck on the fold out cot. Then we had to get a picture of him and "his girlfriend Ivy", he took her on his many trips to the freezer, and the last picture was on our way was such a cool hospital, very secure and believe it or not, the entrance into the elevators was a huge castle and there were Disney characters all over the place...very cool!

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