Monday, November 5, 2007

Our newest pet...introducing, Fish

The funniest thing happened, I was talking to my sister and our friend Linda because Keegan's fish had died and within the conversation I was bragging about not having any pets and Linda specifically says "not even a fish" and I said "no". I go home immediately after that conversation and Sean walked in about 15 minutes behind me (because he got a ride home from work with Rick) and as soon as he walks in the door he says "boys, I have a surprise for you"....yep, in came Fish! I couldn't even believe it...the very day I proudly said "we have no pets..." We do love him though, he's really cool even for a fish. He dances if you play music, I'm not even kidding and he jumps up and begs when he sees the food, almost like a's so odd!

We couldn't agree on a name for him because Hunter wanted to name him "Teacher", Matthew wanted to name him "Gill" and I wanted to name him "General" and so we just call him Fish.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Love the name.. FISH!! We had fish before we moved to VA thanks to my mom and we named them the names from Power Puff Girls.. Bubbles, Blossom and I forget the other name.. Let's just say they didn't last too long. It must be fun to have FISH do tricks! Cool!