Thursday, November 8, 2007

Hunter's Halloween Party at school

Hunter's class had a Halloween party and I just felt that it would be best if I went with all the allergy issues, not to mention I wanted to be there to join in all the fun. They had a wonderful party with lots of goodies, the teachers and parents did a great job! They started off with lunch, the kids all had pizza and I took Hunter a kid's meal from Burger King. It was so funny because all the boys sat at one table and all the girls at the other...and which table do you think Hunter sat at? Yep, my little ladie's man sat at the head of the girl's table of course...he's such a little flirt! After lunch they went to the room where they had cookie decorating (I had made Hunter a cookie that he could have and felt really bad because his cookie was so much bigger than all the others...oops, I guess being allergy different does have it's perks too right?). They made monster hands from candy corn and popcorn...of course I had to bring him his own because he can only have kettle corn. They decorated pumpkins, had face painting and played was a great time! He never really seems to care about the allergies and being different and has never questioned it at all...if you tell him he can't have it he just goes on his way, he's never cried or thrown a fit...that's just really cool, he's a really cool kid! But it was so funny because I had told him I brought all his own stuff but at each activity he would yell across the room "mom, am I allergic?" Ha! Oh, and I almost forgot to mention that for their 'costumes' they each got to decorate a hat of their choice for whatever they wanted to be...Hunter was a mailman, it was very cute.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Really glad you both had a great time. He is such a trooper with all the allergy issues. Love the photos.