Friday, February 20, 2009

Matthew gets glasses

We took the boys in together for their physical...when am I going to learn that one at a time is way better?! The boys are doing their vision test and Matthew can't read the letters. Hunter's over trying to feed him the answer's, what chaos! So then we go in to get their check-ups and it turns out they had to get a vaccine that I wasn't aware of. Apparently there's a new chicken pox vaccine booster that the state of FL requires for them to go back to school so we didn't really have an option on this. So Hunter was okay to go first and didn't really freak out or cry and just said "that didn't hurt Matt". So then it's Matthew's turn....he's already tried escaping the room several times just upon hearing the word it took 3 full grown adults and the nurse to hold him down and give him this shot. I'm sure people all across town could hear him screaming and crying...I was sweating like a crazy person and had to wrap my arms and legs around him while Sean and the doctor helped me to hold him down. And then after all that, Hunter started crying thinking we were abusing his brother. UGH! If ever a person has a needle phobia, I'm thinking Matthew is one! Anyway, turns out he couldn't see anything from the eye test really so they sent us to a specialist. Yep, he's pretty blind alright. They gave Sean something to look through so he could see the way Matthew sees and he couldn't believe that Matthew hadn't complained before. So we got him some glasses and he looks so cute! Now Hunter swears he needs glasses too. When Matthew got his glasses the first day he came home and I said "so, do you see the world in a whole new way" and he just looked at me so serious and said "who are you and where am I?" Then he took the glasses off and said "oh, hi mom...oh, I'm at home...I couldn't recognize anything". ha! He's such a little nut!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Actually the state of FL allows for both religious and medical exemption for all vaccines. Also something you might not be aware of is the chickenpox vaccine wears off over time leaving kids getting it at a much later age. Where I go to college there have been 5 cases of shingles all in people who gad the vaccine and all in their late teens. If you get a chance Google Dr Sherri Tenpenny and a few other experts who are quite clear on why this vaccine is a bad idea.

Oh, before I forget many kids are coming down with the pox from the vaccine about 2 weeks to a month after the vaccine. The tragic part is this version of pox does not confer life long immunity.