Thursday, February 26, 2009


Okay, in case you're like me and have no idea who NOLA is...ha! It's not a who, but a where...New Orleans, LA! We went with some friends over the Thanksgiving break to New Orleans. I kept seeing this NOLA all over the place and I finally asked "Liz, who is NOLA anyway?" She just cracked up...and I will probably never live it down...makes sense now. Maybe I was just too cold to think, and I have to admit I had a terrible cold and was on several medications too...that's my story and I'm sticking to it. Anyway, Sean, the boys and I flew in to Mississippi and rented a car there and drove into New Orleans. None of us had ever been so it was an exciting adventure. We were staying in the heart of the French Quarter, right in the middle of all the excitement!

We got there early so we took the boys to the aquarium. It was a really nice place, very kid friendly. I think they're favorite part was the playground and the things you climb on...the sea life was okay but if a boy can climb, that's way more fun to them.

Then we were off to meet with our friends: John, Liz, Lucas and Noah. They've been there a lot and she's from LA so they made great tour guides! I'm not so sure they loved being there with me, I was just dragging from being sick and I just couldn't get warm no matter what! I wish I would have felt better for the trip and I do plan to go back...maybe closer to the summer though or I'll at least pack warmer next time. They took us to all the famous sites of the town: Bourbon Street where the boys caught a glimpse of a lot of what they'll probably need therapy for in a few years. ha! Hunter could not stop talking about the "naked butts" he saw on the pictures in the windows. I had no idea that it was going to be that risque at 2 in the afternoon. But people were walking down the street already hammered, drinks in hand and it was a very wild sight that I don't think any of us will soon forget. There were street vendors and beggars on just about every corner. Everyone was standing at the corner of Bourbon Street and I ran across to take a picture and a guy was standing there and offered to let me go back across and get in the picture so I gladly passed off my camera to him. I'm not sure who freaked out faster...Liz or Sean. The guys pretended to be taking off with my camera but I knew he was a bouncer at that bar because I had seen him from a distance. We saw some characters, got some beads and just had fun people watching!

We ended up at Pat O'Briens for hurricanes and dinner...the very best muffaletta sandwich I've ever had! I would highly recommend it if you're ever there...that olive salad they put on it, YUMMY!

The next morning we ended up going to breakfast at Cafe Du Monde...that's where we quickly became addicted to beignets! We had powdered sugar all over us but loved every second of it.

We toured the streets, rode a trolley, admired the art, toured St.Louis Cathedral, went shopping in the French Market....just had a great time. Oh...and did I mention the Catfish Po'Boys? YUMMY! As you can tell...I seemed to fall in love with the food there just as much as the excitement of the city.

We also went to the Children's Museum...though to hear Hunter tell all about NO, we didn't do anything but look at pictures of naked people the entire time. My... how distorted that little mind can be huh? Ha!

We ended the trip at Hard Rock Cafe. We hated to part ways with our friends but hoped to be seeing them again real soon!

1 comment:


Greatest city ever--I miss the LUCKY DOGS!! and the hand gernades! SISTA I have been hammered there at 8am and without clothes by 2pm. That place is INSANE...LOVE, LOVE, LOVE it