Wednesday, January 2, 2008

A character among characters...

There's 2 things Hunter totally loves, dressing up as a character and going out to meet and greet other characters. So he and I took a "mommy and me" day just to go to MGM and do nothing but meet characters. It's easier to do that when it's just us because he has the patience to stand in lines so he can meet them and when Matthew's with us he just has no interest, all he wants to do is ride, ride, ride! So I was off one Wednesday and Hunter has Wednesday's off too so while Matthew was in school we went to Disney MGM for the day. He got to meet so many characters, some I didn't even really know but he sure did. He got to meet The Little Einsteins and took a picture with Pat Pat Rocket, which he plans to ask Santa to bring him for Christmas since he's been asking for this rocket since his birthday but is no where in the state of FL to be found. He also got to meet the Incredibles and was so bummed that he didn't have his Dash costume to wear for the picture, I told him maybe next time we can bring it along. Hope you enjoy the pictures of my little character...I'm sure one day you'll see him in Hollywood...he's such a little ham!

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