Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Matt's new bike

Matthew has been asking for a new bike, one he found in Target so we had decided that he would ask Santa for the bike and he was okay with that. Well, we went to lunch at one of our favorite sport's bars here called Gators. We were having lunch and the kids put their names in for the bike drawing that was going to happen on Tuesday at kid's night, they draw for the bike the last Tuesday of every month. So we told the kids we would come back on Tuesday so they could try to win the bike because you have to be there to win. Well, we went on kid's night and to our surprise Hunter won the bike and it was the EXACT bike Matthew had picked out at Target. Hunter was so excited when they called his name and looked right at Matthew and said "Matt, I won the bike you you love it?" Everyone was so impressed that he would give up his new bike to his brother but he was just as happy because he got Matthew's old bike which was just his size it all worked out great. And then that freed up a slot for Matthew to ask Santa for something else.

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