Monday, January 28, 2008

We survived the cold...

We had such a great time in VA and I'd like to start by thanking our wonderful hosts for taking such good care of us! The Cosgrove family really made us feel right at home during our stay...maybe a little too much actually and I'm sure they won't be ready for us to come back anytime soon but we sure hope to! Our trip started off with a slight delay due to the weather up North...the snow and ice didn't hold off as I had hoped and anyone who knows me would have probably guessed that, because I seem to have either the worst luck or worst timing of anyone in history. But we were only delayed by about an hour so I won't complain because it could have been much worse. AND, it was so worth it because we were all hoping for snow while we were there for our visit...maybe not the ice and 15 degree temperatures but the snow was good. ha!

So Ted was there to pick us up at the airport and drove us safely in the ice to the house. It was so nice to see everyone and despite all the excitement we all still managed to get in bed at a reasonable hour.

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