Sunday, January 6, 2008

Welcome 2008!

After all the illness we have been through with the kids since moving here, we welcome a new year and hope for health, continued happiness and lots of visitors. I'm not sure any of us made any true new year's resolutions but I do have a list of things that I hope to be better with this year. I hope to be better at posting to my blog, I want to try to catch up on my scrapbook pages, be better to actually mail out the birthday cards that I buy people (I've got stacks that never made it into the mail from the past several years) and I hope to finish my degree this year. With that of course we plan to diet and exercise more, me especially as Sean already does a pretty good job of it. We also hope to pay off some bills and start to vacation more this year. So with that being said I wish everyone a Happy New Year and hope to see you all soon!

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