Sunday, January 6, 2008

Putt-putt and wonder works fun

We started our day off with the intentions of going to Universal for the day but when we got there and saw the line of cars waiting to get into the park, we went to lunch to come up with a plan B. We decided to spend the day playing putt-putt and going to a kids museum called Wonder Works. If you've ever seen the place you would remember, from the outside it looks like the entire building is upside down, even the Christmas tree inside was upside down. Putt-putt had a rough start since Hunter hates to lose at anything and has no patience. He just doesn't understand why he can't do things as well as anyone older than his game started with lots of tears and club slinging...he looked a lot like Sean on a real course to be honest...don't know where he comes by that lack of patience at all. Ha! Anyway, he finally started playing better thank goodness, and we ended up having fun playing the entire 18 holes. Of course I think Hunter had way more fun climbing on everything on the course more than actually hitting the ball, typical 5 year old boy no doubt! All the guys got a hole in 1 but I still won of course, I just got lucky and didn't even cheat believe it or not. After golf we went to Wonder Works and I wasn't so sure we were even going to make it through the first activity. It says it turns you upside down but you have to walk over a bridge with this tube spinning around you and though you're not actually going upside down it makes you just as dizzy as if you were. I ended up just having to close my eyes to walk through and have Sean tell me when I was at the end. The rest was a breeze compared to that. We played baseball, air hockey, went into the bubble room, they had a hurricane and earth quake exhibit. Then even had a bed of nails that you could lay on. I wanted to do it but when I got in line the boys started crying so hard thinking I was going to get hurt so I thought it would not be fair to them if I did it....but I really wanted to just give it a try. Maybe next time! I'm sure they'll come a day when they're teens they'll look back and wish they had never stopped me. Ha!

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