Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Halloween at Disney

We went to the Disney Halloween party on the very last day of it...which happened to be the Friday after Halloween. I have to say that they had a ton of candy left over and were on a mission to get rid of it. I can't even tell you how much candy we walked out with, literally 4 full bags and they were still shoving candy in as we were on our way to the tram!!! The boys got to wear their costumes to Disney and go through many different trick-or-treat lines and the characters at Disney were all in costume too. We didn't go see many of the characters because the lines were really long but that meant the lines for the rides were really short! We got to ride so many of the rides over and over again, even the line for Space Mountain was only about a 5 minute wait. We plan to go back again next year but we'll probably pass on all the candy because there's only so much sugar a person can actually eat....though Matthew tries hard to push the limits. Ha! Oh, and I almost forgot to mention the fireworks...the show was awesome! They had them set to music and the Disney Villains were in a battle, it was really cool!

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