Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Just another day at Disney...

We should probably just get jobs at Disney on the weekends since we seem to spend most of our time there anyway, but I guess it wouldn't be near as much fun that way. I had an entire day of rest and relaxation planned for my Sunday and then Kenzie comes in just as I'm cleaning my house. I had already showered but my hair was still wet so that's where the vacuum came into play, needed to do something productive for the day so I did that while my hair was drying. So anyway, here comes Kenzie and starts trying to sweet talk me into taking her and Matthew to Epcot. Well, that would have been fine but I knew Hunter would want to go and then I'm not going to take the other 3 and leave Keegan here's the way was I going to take all 4 kids to Epcot by myself. So Kenzie worked it out that Keegan would stay home and help his dad put mulch out, she really should be a sales person when she grows up...who else could possibly talk a kid into staying home to help with mulch rather than going to Disney? So then Sean felt bad that I was going with the 3 kids alone and decided to go with us, and once he committed then I asked Keegan to come along too. So I rushed off to dry my hair and we all got ready very quick. As we were driving to the park the sky was completely black and we saw lightening...we were hoping it wasn't going to look that way over Disney, but no such luck. We got in just as it started to rain and took cover under the first spot we could find. Turns out that we were right where the character meet and greet was and we always skip it because it takes at least an hour to get though, but since it was raining so hard I figured we had the time today to do it. So we went through that, took a bathroom break, grabbed a snack and after all that the rain had let up just enough for us to make a run for it to the next building which has a couple of rides. So we went to ride Soarin' which is an awesome ride, if you ever get the chance you have to ride that one! We also rode The Land which is nice, educational...the kids really liked it. By the time we finished inside there the rain had completely stopped and it turned out to be a beautiful day. We had so much fun, we got to ride Test Track twice, of course Keegan wanted no part of it after the first ride, it went a little too fast for him or his belly I guess I should say. We rode the boat ride in Mexico and enjoyed churros, and the Viking ship in Norway....because as Matt puts it "we are Vikings after all...with our name Kaushagen". Keegan was so scared to ride that since it goes backwards for a bit but once it was over he said it was his favorite ride. I think Hunter and Matt's favorite is still Test Track and Kenzie seemed to be torn between Test Track and Soarin'. We also got to ride the ride in the "big golf ball" or as we now know is technically called the "geosphere". The kids all really liked that one too...I would see that ride as a great napping opportunity on a long day. ha! Until my next post....

1 comment:


DO you ever stay home? I swear Ang-you put me to shame. You look great-FL is doing you really well.