Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Time with friends

We were so excited to go hang out with the Hammack Family while they were here for Thanksgiving break! We went with them to Epcot, it was our first time to Epcot (well, mine and the boys, Sean has been once). Our favorite ride was Test Track, highly recommended if you like to go really fast. Matthew will be sure to advise you not to climb on the rails in line though as he did and his foot slipped off and through the crack and he busted up his knee pretty good...guess that's why they tell you not to climb on the rails huh? We also liked the ride Soarin' it was really cool and actually a relaxing ride...unless you're Sean or Hunter who are afraid of heights, I think they were a little stressed and of course we got to sit in the front which is apparently the highest point...go figure. We had a great time and look forward to many more visits from John, Liz, Lucas and Noah...and of course all our other friends too!

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