Wednesday, January 16, 2008

These boots were made for playin...

I came home from work and Hunter was so kind as to help me pull my boots off...I thought he was being helpful, as it turns out he just wanted to wear them. Ha! He's such a little clown and always keeps us laughing, you just never know what he might say or do next. He was trying to walk around the house in these boots and his feet were twisting every which way. It was all fun and games until I busted out the camcorder...the boots came off immediately! He doesn't mind being silly but he sure doesn't want proof of it...he did at least let me sneak some pictures though, he's not camera shy by no means. I think when he saw the camera he forgot for just a moment that he was wearing the boots....

1 comment:

Damama T said...

AHHHH! This is the post that I remember seeing. I'm sorry I didn't comment back then. I thought it was so cute and it reminded me of a time when mine loved to do the same thing only with Daddy's boots and my high heels! LOL! Take care. I'll be back soon. TTFN!