Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Halloween 2007...tricks and treats!

The kids were so excited for Halloween and looking so forward to all the candy and fun. We got dressed up, Hunter finally decided to be Flash Gordon after trying on at least 5 different costumes and Matthew was Darth Vader. We met up with all our friends and took pictures and then we were off to trick-or-treat. It was fun at first but then we found with that many kids running from house to house, it was a bit hectic and I think got to be a bit much for my kids. So after only about 8 houses they both decided they just wanted to go home and give out candy and look at all the costumes instead. I'm glad we left when we did, because no sooner than we got home it started to rain...what amazing timing the kids had! But it was a quick FL rain, we've gotten used to those. So the kids were racing to the door when the bell would ring, each with a bucket of candy and instructed to give out candy by the hand fulls so we were sure not to have all this sugar in our house the next day. It was all fun and games until they ran to the door to see a kid dressed in this huge bat/gargoyle costume with wings that flapped and it even made a hissing sound. All you could see was candy flying in the air and then Hunter darting into the next room and crying hysterically. He's not one to be scared off so easily either so that was quite a shock to us. But from that point on, he would not answer the door and not only that...he cried each time it rang saying "what if it's the bat coming back to get us"...poor little guy, he eventually cried his self to sleep. This didn't curb his enthusiasm at all for costumes, dress up, or candy...so I think Halloween shall continue for us again next year. (oh, and I almost forgot to mention that I added a picture of one of the 2 really cool pumpkins that Sean carved for the kids and he put lights in them that flashed and changed colors...they were great and we got a ton of compliments on them.)

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