Sunday, January 6, 2008

My first post for 2008

We spent the day at Animal Kingdom today with Sis and her family. The weather was perfect, high 70s with a few scattered clouds. The crowds were more than I had expected but not bad for Disney. We haven't taken the boys to Animal Kingdom since they were much younger so I was excited to go but it took a little bribe to talk Hunter into it. He had his heart set on going to Epcot again, that's really our favorite park but Sis' family wanted Animal Kingdom and Matthew of course could care less as long as they have rides. So I had to tell Hunter that he could visit with Pooh Bear, Tigger, and Piglet and his response was "really?" And when I assured him that they would be there then he was all set to go to that park. Those are some of the characters that he's met before but doesn't really remember it so he was really excited to go see them. We had such a fun day, exhausting but fun. I'm sure we'll all be completely dragging tomorrow since we did all that walking today and now tomorrow is our first day back to work and school after 2 full weeks of sleeping in...should be a nice, grupmy week for all of us. We rode many of the rides today though so it was so worth the week of suffering for sure! Matthew and Makenzie rode this one coaster (can't think of the name of it) over and over again. We got to go on the Safari, rode Dinosaur which I thought was a little scary but Hunter LOVED it. We had a fun day and followed it up with dinner at the Rain Forest Cafe and of course a Volcano for desert, since our gym and diets don't officially start until tomorrow, the end of our "vacation".
Oh, and I almost forgot to mention a couple of other things. Like yesterday we went to the Ale House to watch the Redskins game, I won't even speak of that game beyond saying we watched it by the way. Anyway, Hunter won this little gold boxing glove in his favorite claw machine game. I'm not sure if you noticed in any of the pictures but he has worn it since he won it in the machine, that means he even wore it to Disney today. We did finally get him to take it off at dinner and once at the park to climb on the dinosaur becuase it was too slick with the glove on. The people working at Disney got a huge kick out of it though and kept telling him not to box the characters, he's such a nut but keeps life very interesting to say the least.

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