Sunday, January 6, 2008

Merry Christmas

We had a wonderful first Christmas here in FL, it was very different any other Christmas of ours in VA. Though we really missed all our friends and family in VA and hope to see them all sometime very soon. We spent Christmas Eve here at the house and had the family over for dinner, I made my homemade lasagna. Then after everyone left we baked Santa's favorite chocolate chip cookies and sprinkled our reindeer dust out front so that Santa would come visit us soon. The boys slept in late the next morning, only happens when we're excited for them to wake up early....without fail! So when they finally got up, we all went out to see all the gifts under our tree. Matthew tore though his all very quick, his is more about opening all of them as fast as he can. Hunter has to open each gift and analyze what's in it, and carry it around to show everyone so he was way behind and I think Matthew even had to help him out with a few. The boys got so many of the things they had asked Sant for in their letters. I think Matthew's favorite gift was his new DS games or perhaps his UB Funkeys, he's played with those a lot too. Hunter loved his new Pat Pat Rocket, his I Can Play Guitar and they they both got a new bounce house and could even jump in it outside in shorts on Christmas day....a little different than past years huh? It was so hot on Christmas day, but we cranked the AC up so it could feel like it was cold. Call me crazy but that's the one day of the year I don't mind the cold and snow is even better....guess I better give up on that here huh? We had a wonderful Christmas and of course the kids got more gifts then they can probably even play with at this point but I took off 2 full weeks so we've played with everything as much as we could in that time. I had wanted to make a trip to VA but the van was acting up and though we tried to put it in the shop...we looked for 45 minutes and finally gave's terrible not knowing your way around. Hopefully we'll be able to visit VA during our spring break...that's our next attempt at it anyway.

Hope all is well and everyone had a Merry Christmas!

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